Customize your Happiness Project with a Subscription

There are so many ways to approach a happiness project — no right way, just the way that works best for you. That’s why we strive to design tools that can support progress in a variety of ways so that you can tailor the experience to better suit your natural tendencies and specific goals.

With a subscription, you unlock access to premium features that enable you to get the most out of the Happier app and make it your own.

  • Know Yourself Better

    Self-Knowledge at Your Fingertips

    Our most-requested feature!

    In addition to weekly Know Yourself Better prompts, subscribers can answer and save responses to build a library of personal reflections and insights that can be refined or referred to at any time.

    With your personal archive of self-knowledge at your fingertips, you’ll be better equipped to identify and experiment with multiple strategies to expand your happiness toolkit.

  • Toolkit

    Unlimited Aims

    Track all the habits that make you happier, healthier, more productive, and more creative, and experiment with as many tools as you like.

    If you've found a habit-tracking tool in the Happier app that works for you, consider applying it to a new aim. If you haven't found the right tool for you, consider setting up the same aim with a different tool.

    Your Toolkit allows you to track the aims you are actively working on as well as access a record of completed aims. If you have a seasonal aim, such as a summer of beach reads, or take part in an annual challenge, your Toolkit, allows you to mark your aim as complete and celebrate your progress. If there’s an aim you're no longer prioritizing, mark that aim as complete and start tracking something new.

  • Don't break the chain

    More Flexible Habit-Tracking

    We get it—sometimes progress happens while you’re on the go or away from your phone.

    This premium feature enables you to back-date aim entries if you forget to log a day or enter the incorrect date.

    Whether you’re working toward a streak using the Don’t Break the Chain tool, creating a visual record with the Photo Log, or adding entries up using Track Your Total, you can make sure every activity counts.

Ready to start customizing your Happiness Project with the Happier app?
Get started when you subscribe to the Happier app today.

Get the most out of the Happier app with a subscription

$95 $79.99



per month

Save $20 per year with an annual subscription

Subscription info:

Your subscription will automatically renew unless you cancel at least 24 hours before your renewal date through the App Store or Google Play store. You will be charged through your Apple or Google Play Account.